
Showing posts from April, 2014

Cisco UCCX 9 Wallboard Script

This wallboard is from four hours into our day, so the numbers are a bit low.  Anyway these two  wallboards  were created within UCCX with no additional servers or equipment!   I was looking all around for a good wallboard for CCX but  couldn't  find quite what i was looking for, or they all required  another  server setup...     Plus we run 30+ CSQ's in each of our two call centers from one primary/secondary CCX server, so this gets messy in other wallboards that are usually geared toward a few CSQ's. As we started scripting our call center, I noticed all kinds of access to cool data, then I found that CCX supports HTML triggers in applications!    So I created a new application with an HTML trigger ( that's  the wallboard address on UCCX). I then created a script that would go and grab specific stats for each CSQ that is defined in the application.  The script also adds these up as totals for the wallboard.   I do some math to create the % Abandoned.